In this tutorial I will explain how to retouch a persons skin using Adobe Photoshop. I have also added a new technique that I have not seen detailed online before. Because this is a big subject I have broken the tutorial into three parts.
Before and After
Above you can see the photo we start with and then the final photo. I have given the photo a look like it has been developed incorrectly as the blue is stronger in the blacks and you can see more yellow in the main colours.
Section - 1
Look at the photos that you have taken - if they are slightly blurry they may need to be sharpened to improve contrast between edges of the different elements. This can be done on any photograph to improve the image.
The top photo that is slightly out of focus so I thought that I would make it clearer to make the details more obvious.
The gray thing is called High Pass which is a filtert in Photoshop. To find it you go Filter > Others > High Pass. Then you go to the Blending modes on the Layer Panel and click Soft Light as this will turn the normal photo a little sharper. Do not go to high or you lose the gray as that is what is saying do not sharpen this.
On this part of sharpening the photo I use a Filter called Smart Sharpen. What this does is it pulls up all the right information to boost what it looks like. You find the Smart Sharpen in Filter > Sharp > Smart Sharpen. Tweak the values so they look right, be careful as if you do too much it can look very wrong.
Section - 2
Healing the skin
This step hides all imperfections that you have on the subject. There are many different ways of doing this but this is the way I find easiest.
This is the Heal brush icon found in the tools pallete.
This photo shows a lot of skin imperfections and so I will use the healing brush to clean these up. To use it you press ALT on the keyboard and then click the mouse so a cross hair appears. You then paint areas on the image that need 'healing'. I do a lot of work with layers and the healing brush uses layers combining them into blocks of colour which simplifies things.
As you can see there is many different options that you can chose - I normally pick the base area below the blemish as you might have some lines marking out what you need to do as that might be a way to know what you have to change.
The image above shows the fixes I made for this photo.. This will not be seen in the final imge since the rest of the photo will be there to fill in the space. You can see what it looks like in the next section when it is put all together.
Section - 3
Cloning out the non perfect parts
I used the clone tool to remove the bags under the eyes and to smooth the skin further. This is ideally used at 10% transparency so that you can build layers of texture to keep things looking natural. You can also use the Opacity on the layer to pull back on what you are working on to give a hint of some texture.
This is the icon you are looking for the clone tool.
As you can see in this photo that the heal brush has done a good job. As we are know going to work on the cheeks and eyes as well as some other parts as this will take few minutes to get the right result from the Clone tool which you use in the same way as the Heal brush.
This is how the results of the clone tool look - without the rest of the background. The main thing about it is that you follow the lines of the face that you are using. This helps make it look real and different this would look different to your one as you can do the least two section in what ever order you like and how you like.
This tutorial continues on the next blog post or you can follow this link: