Gillbanks Photography

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Facebook | Gillbanks Photography

Facebook | Gillbanks Photography

Hello all

This is my fan page and I am trying to get this up to date as well as showing off my work.

If you like to see how I shoot and think please join. I will be happy with more people looking at my work as well as showing what I have done.

BBC iPlayer - BBC Proms: 2010: 06/09/2010

This might have been the best part of the proms this year as they have done some great music with live action. It was funny and sad at the sam time. I have become a Doctor Who fan other these lest few years.

It started when I was just board and thought I wounder what this is like and the fact it has my two favorite things comedy and action with a bit of sci-fi this was great to see. I am looking forward to the Christmas special. This is a must watch as a lot goes on in the performances