Gillbanks Photography

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

shooting on the themes.

I have done some shoot on the themes and other styles of shoots..

Monday, May 30, 2011

These are un-edited images of a make up shoot i have done today...

I think some of the best images I have done in while...  These are some of the best photos that I have done with a great make up artist...

Friday, May 27, 2011

1st exbo of the year

This is the 1st exbo of the year...but the rest will have more photos as there was not anothe space for them.....
This is the biggest picture out the set....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jungle Queen (How I made it...)

Jungle Queen is my first attempt at a fantasy style image and I would like to know what people think. I am hoping this is good enough that people think I should do more images like this, and improve how well I do things.

I have not flattened any layers as this would have been harder to make if I had flattened the images all the time. I use Photoshop CS3 but you can use most image editing software.

I have gone through all the steps but not in detail as this is to show a way of doing something like this. There are 6 stages that I have done to get the final image. Under each stage I have added notes on how to get create this part.

If you would like any help please e-mail me on

-------------------------Stage 1-------------------------

This is the original photo and the starting point for this project. As you can see this image is about right for the chosen to change in to a fantasy picture. There is a good colour plate with the model and woods around.

-------------------------Stage 2-------------------------

I did this by blurring the background and using a mask with a gradual filter on it. This gives great depth of field to an image with out the worry of getting it all wrong. The way I have done this is as follows.

To find the blur I have used go to Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur then chose your own settings - for this image there is no right or wrong way of doing it so just blur until it looks good.

Then find the masking you go to a button of the Layer Pallet which is a square with a circle on the inside and then you click the white section that comes next to the image. When that is done you click the graduation button which is the white to black on the Tools Pallet. Make sure the White and Black's selected as this will give you an easy way to mask. I have added some images to help you out as this could be very confusing if you do not know Photoshop.

This is the image that is at the background picture. As you can see this gives a different feel to the image already and is looking different to the first as the blur makes it look very different. Which does not help to see the model and this will change later when we fix the model and the fore ground in the picture.

-------------------------Stage 3-------------------------

This was created with a free brush set which you can download called SS-Light Beams. This layer is actually created with 2 separate brushes - the light rays that are long and a short brust.

I changed the blending mode on the lighting layer to Vivid Light. Which has given the image the feel of the sun going thought leaves.

For more information on layer blend modes read this:

-------------------------Stage 4-------------------------

This is two different layers which I made form the background image. The idea behind this is to place this image on the top of the layer stack. I use a Photoshop addon filter called ReMask which is made by Topaz Labs. This filter can mask detailed images quickly.  I will show you soon many ways that can make this work with and with out this filter.

I have taken the layer of the model and used the Overlay blend mode to give the feel of shadow's as the light hits the models back and the shadows fall to the floor.

-------------------------Stage 5-------------------------

This layer is going to be used for the shadows are was created by saturating all the colour out of the model and the tombstone out of all colour and light - which turns it black. I have also done a vertical flip on these people as well. To flip a layer your should: Edit - Transform - Vertical Flip.

The next part of it is to warp the image, moving it around and to make it look like the light is falling down in that area. The place for this is Edit - Transform - Warp. You can only move them in one way at a time. You will only know how it works when you play with it and that is the best way to find out how things work in Photoshop.

As you can see in this one I have added a blur to the warped shadow to give it a feel that it is someones shadows. I had also copied the tombstone so that it is so that the shadows look real. I have also moved it over a little bit so that there will be a halo effect on the tombstone. Which looks amazing with the shadows. I have also removed the feet so that it looks like there is no shadow there.

This is the same as before but I have changed the opacity I have not put a number as it could change per picture. So that you can see it on the floor as well I have also changed the Blending mode. They are both using Linear Light so that the shadow looks real and not like as If it was put in fake.

As you can see in this image that shadows look like it is part of the whole thing same with the model and the Blending that I have used.

-------------------------Stage 6-------------------------

This is a copy of the lighting group which I put on top so that there was some rays over the top of the model. I use a different amount of Opacity amount and a different Blending mode to get the light the way that it is looking on there. The mode that I picked was Hard Light this is done on the grouping not the items as it does it there itself.

-------------------------End result-------------------------

I am quite proud of this image. It's my first try and I think it turned out well. I would love to get some feedback so please do let me know what you think of the picture or if you need any help with the tutorial.

Please leave a comment at the bottom if you would like to know more.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fantasy (Jungle queen)

This is the frist of many that I will be doing of a fantasy style shoot please tell me what you think...  There will be blog on how I have made this coming along soon..

Version 1

Final Version

MWM Abney Park Cemetery

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

First post in a while

This is my first post where I will not be showing work that is to do with university just to a link to very least show that we are doing...

the rest of this is about the shoot I did least week in Abney Park Cemetery Trust, South Lodge.. Which you can see under this is just the behind the shoot the main photos are still to come Just I am working on them as we speak or read this as I should say..