Gillbanks Photography

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oprington Market

These are a few selected shoots form the other market I have shoot... Please say if you like them or do not...

If you like to know why I am doing this please could you look at the Dartford market one as that is the same project.


Behind this shoot

Friday, February 25, 2011

Dartford Market Holders and workers

This project is about the disappearing of market stalls and the people that work there.  This was shoot on a film camera that was a Mamiya RB67.  This hole project was inspired by Ivring Penns Small Traders.  As he did his in early 1950's with Trades that have know disappeared as well as some that are still here.  These are the digital versions of the shoots so I know when the film is developed that I can name them in the same way.  I have not but in here what stall they are doing as I will do that when I have done all the shoots just this is a tester to what I have done as well as some behind the scenes shoots.  as I was up at 6:30 in the morning and started to shoot at 7:30.


Behind this shoot

Favorite shoot of the week

This was a shoot that I had done when I was doing my market stall.  I just love the way the face is as well as the angle of the shoot.

Please tell me what you think.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Shoot that I did on Tuseday... There are two shoots in here

I did two shoots yesterday here are some behind the scenes stuff that I have done.  The first shoot that I have done was the Red Queen with Alice as which went very well and would work well with in this story.

I was hoping that a male model would turn up to play the king but he had not.  So I did the shoot with out him.


Chess Cat Take 2

Monday, February 14, 2011


This is some photos of a shoot I did for my university course as well as the behind the photos stuff that I have done and worked on...

Please tell me what you think.

I have also got he video of all the behind the scenes and some other different photos.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sea scapes

This is a Network that I am with and I have looked as well as fellow some people as this will show different things people shoot as well as what they are like. I saw these photos of seascapes and loved them. So I thought I would show you as well.. Please follow the Link.

I just love the rays of god hit the ground and sea as well as the lights that are coming off the far side of some off these pictures.

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Photoshoot in a bar

This is a shoot I have done in a bar I work at as a freelance photographer.  I have put the final images are at the top but these are not all of them and some behind the scenes ones are at the bottom of this blog post.  At the bottom of this blog is a photo that the MUA took and I really liked so I thought I would added it as it was with my camera.  Please look and tell me what you think.

Behind the scenes

I would like to thank the MUA how is Lauren Jennings and the model Liberty Steele.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Manga Dreams

This is a book that I have just got and I love the way the photos look in there.  The people that did this are Anderson & Low.  the way they came up with this project is that some Japanese people dress as Manga Caritors in the ever day street clothing.  These are just some pictures from the book.  So please enjoy