Gillbanks Photography

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Glamour shoot

This is a photo shoot I have done with my new camera and it has come out amazing.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Little Things on the Behance Network

The Little Things on the Behance Network

This is a guy that takes normal photo's and turns them in to amazing looking ones by making look small and toy like.

These are easy pictures to do but they are still great.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Urben (shoot date: 09/09/2010)

This was anurben shoot I did on Thursday 9th September 2010. We did the shoot around waterloo and southbank. The model was Marta Alkotit.

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Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Facebook | Gillbanks Photography

Facebook | Gillbanks Photography

Hello all

This is my fan page and I am trying to get this up to date as well as showing off my work.

If you like to see how I shoot and think please join. I will be happy with more people looking at my work as well as showing what I have done.

BBC iPlayer - BBC Proms: 2010: 06/09/2010

This might have been the best part of the proms this year as they have done some great music with live action. It was funny and sad at the sam time. I have become a Doctor Who fan other these lest few years.

It started when I was just board and thought I wounder what this is like and the fact it has my two favorite things comedy and action with a bit of sci-fi this was great to see. I am looking forward to the Christmas special. This is a must watch as a lot goes on in the performances

Sunday, September 05, 2010

R o b B a l l - P h o t o g r a p h s

R o b B a l l - P h o t o g r a p h s

This is one of my lectures from university and he has done some amazing work. There are some great shoots of alsorts of things. He use's a large format camera to take all the shorts with.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Projects for univeristy

These are the projects that I will be doing for university.

The main project I will be hopefully doing is ALICE IN LONDON.

This is because most people do not processed this as the
book was told and whom it was told by and i would just like to up-date the styles and look as well as the back drop. most people have it as dark and drug induced. Even thought it is a kids book and was told by Reverend C. L. Dodgson. He told this story to children. So I will be making a light and good fun set of photos.

This is the blog where I will be putting more information about this project.

The other project is 50's PIN UP IN DECAY.

This came about when I was going home as I was looking in the sun and saw this book. BEAUTY IN DACEY and thought I would put the opposite in front of such buildings.

This is the blog where I will be putting more information about this project.

I just love to know what people think off this as an idea.